On Monday April 24th Stormfront Productions were proud to fully sponsor the sound and lights for the Opening Ceremony of the Whyalla Anzac Eve Vigil.

In the spirit of Anzac tradition, young people aged 10 years and over stand guard at the Whyalla War Memorial rotating in shifts from 6pm Anzac Eve until 6am Anzac Day.

Councillor Claire McLaughlin, Eddie Hughes MP for Giles and Rowan Ramsay MP for Grey,
along with members of other community groups including The Naval Cadets and RSL,
each addressed the crowd of participants and members of the public who gathered to pay tribute to our fallen heroes,
and congratulate the young people taking part in such a solemn and worthwhile occasion.

On a very cold and rainy night the ceremony came to a conclusion
with a stirring and powerful two-verse acapella version of the Australian National Anthem,
performed beautifully by Whyalla Recording Scholarship Winner BREEZE Millard.