Saturday 10th December saw Stormfront assist Port Augusta School Of The Air to present their
end-of-year Awards presentation at West Augusta Football Club in Port Augusta.

Opening the show were the newest members of our Stormfront Family -
our Piano students from far and wide across remote SA!

At the start of Term 4 2022 SOTA approached Stormfront to assume control of this amazing
extra-curricular programme, and take on the pressure of getting these kids to a successful Piano recital
performance after their second piano tutor of the year had unexpectedly resigned at the start of Term Four.

"School Of The Air" is an iconic, vital and simply unique service -
famous all over the world as being "The biggest classroom in the world!"

Ali has been thrilled to be invited into this incredibly dedicated & supportive service -
and her weekly Zoom lessons have proved to be a highlight as we've met these talented children
and shared not just music - but their varied and distant lives as far away as the NT border regions.

It was awesome to finally meet the kids face-to-face on Saturday night and even more inspiring
to see them all perform beautifully after the bumpy ride they'd had with piano until we stepped in.

Stormfront is currently in talks with SOTA to continue if not expand this music lesson service in 2023 -
AND there might be an even bigger multimedia project in the wind so stay tuned for an update next year!

The 2022 SOTA Piano Programme was sponsored by the fantastic Indulkaninna Foundation and it was
an honour to have our kids' Performance Certificates handed out by IF Representative Sarah Ricciuto!


Our wonderful SOTA Piano Students!
West Augusta Football Club
Lai Kuan & the Port Augusta SOTA team!
All our supportive SOTA families & friends!