Entering our 20th Anniversary Year already saw us busy across many fronts,
with a big year on the horizon including a number of expanded and new initiatives!
"Out Into The Blue" had another Feature in Australia's flagship National Country Music
Magazine Capital News as Tamworth prepared for the Australasian Country Music Festival.
Lead Single "Lullaby" also took out the #18 spot on legendary Country Music broadcaster Alan Gilmore's
annual Most Requested Tracks (of 2023)! National chart.
Our 2024 School Of The Air (SOTA) schedule was underway as kids from all over remote SA
met up with us and their teachers in Port Augusta for our start-of-year "Face-to-Face".
CHECK OUT our 2024 SOTA adventures here!
Our absolutely booked out 2024 Stormfront Roster commenced across 6 venues, as our
2024 Samaritan College Band Programme finalised rooms and schedules in what would be a huge year.
As "Out Into The Blue" continued on its International media journey we took part in
Online media and conference calls to Canada, and to Nashville (USA) to keep our album moving along.
We cheered on 2 esteemed members of our Album Team - Randy Merrill & Colin Leonard - as they
each took home 2024 Grammy Awards (Randy for Taylor Swift, Colin for Victoria Monet).
Meanwhile we saw an exodus of students heading Interstate to see Pink!, and Taylor Swift on her amazing Era's Tour -
we hope everyone took note of the amazing skills and presentations these 2 superstars put "out there" every single show!
Student Sam won the role of Pugsley in Whyalla Players upcoming production of The Addams Family,
and Port Augusta's Transcontinental newspaper ran a super Feature Story on
Stormfront's on-going work with Port Augusta SOTA which was now in full swing!
March brought our second SOTA Face-to-Face get together in Port Augusta,
a perfect chance to catch up with our Piano kids from all over The Outback.
To promote our amazing Samaritan College Band Programme our Secondary Ensemble performed
2 excellent Showcases at Our Ladys, and St Teresas Campuses to drum up even more (new) students for 2024.
Superstar Senior student KT Stott was announced as a debut inclusion at Adelaide's Heartsong Festival -
KT and her amazing Original songs (and talent!) would again be impacting The Big Smoke!
In between our "Music, Music, Music!" lifestyle Ali got a moment to catch a brilliant performance
at Middleback Theatre by SA's The 60 Four - how good are these guys?
Stormfront honoured it's annual donation of PA and operator to the Whyalla Swimming Carnival,
with Mark spending a carefree day at the Whyalla Leisure Centre as competitors
from all over our Region battled it out in the pool.
By month's end our Samaritan College Band Programme was up and running with record enrolment -
and we were able to announce an incredible sponsorship deal with Eyre Peninsula McDonalds to
fund a series of FREE student development opportunites throughout the remainder of 2024!
April 2nd saw Stormfront provide PA for the major Opening Ceremony of Samaritan College's
new St Johns Centre at the College's St Johns Campus.
Stellar Senior Stormfront student Nyasha provided a magnificent musical feature as
Catholic, Local, State and Federal dignitaries attended.
CHECK OUT the St Johns Centre Opening here!
Our first Student Development Sessions kicked off sponsored by Eyre Peninsula McDonalds -
with both Individual, and Group workshops covering a range of student needs and directions.
Meanwhile in Adelaide KT Stott was starring in media, and on-stage at the 2024 Heartsong Festival!
As May 22 marked the first Anniversary of the 2023 launch of our
"Out Into The Blue" album - in-studio Mark was busy finishing up a major
new Music Video Release - more on that project shortly!
Sad news arrived in the form of the passing of legendary Australian & International superstar Frank Ifield -
for many years Frank was a vocal and constant supporter of Mark & his music, the pair
having met at Sydney's Galston Country Music Festival in the early 2000's
where Mark WON the prestigious Coopers Golden Saddle Award in 2003.
Mark & Alison caught up on National radio with their old mate Walshy
broadcasting to close to a million listeners on Good Morning Country.
In the USA our friend & Album Alumni Kayleigh Moyer was spotted drumming for up-and-coming
Country artist Reyna Roberts as she progressed on Primetime TV on America's Got Talent.
CHECK OUT Reyna & Kayleigh here!
Our Con Brio Video Exams got underway - these exams provide our students a great alternative
to progress their formal certifications if they're unable to sit in-person exams during the year.
CHECK OUT our Con Brio year here!
Our wonderful Senior student Tadhg completed his Grade 2 Bass Exam with a High Distinction!
As our Samaritan Bands were in full swing Rehearsing towards their big end-of-year commitments,
we spent a big Service Day at Samaritan getting all instruments & Band gear back to full working order.
CHECK OUT our Guitar Makeover video here!
Our Student Development Sessions rolled on sponsored by Eyre Peninsula McDonalds - with solo students
Nyasha, Sam & Jasmine each benefiting from a highly customised studio session to advance their performance & recording abilities.
Album-wise we launched our "A Storm Is Brewing" Taster Video which was shortly followed by our
feature video The Movie Makers taking fans behind-the-scenes in our Music Video-making process.
CHECK OUT "A Storm Is Brewing" here!
CHECK OUT "The Movie Makers" here!
We also announced next month's International Premiere of our Official "Out Into The Blue" Music Video!
July also saw Alison take up her role as Lead Adjudicator on the
2024 AWMA Juror Council - judging this year's AWMA's to be held in Brisbane in September.
Stormfront's sponsorship of our annual AMEB Music Exam Day continued as AMEB Examiner Paula Winter journeyed
to Whyalla - we also ran a series of FREE Exam Run-Through sessions for our examining students.
CHECK OUT our AMEB Exam Day here!
August 16th saw the International Premiere of our brand new Music Video "Out Into The Blue"
via our friends at Australian Country Music's premier media hub Countrytown.
CHECK OUT "Out Into The Blue" here!
As well as significant features on platforms including Artistrack, Greater SA & Whyalla News - "Out Into The Blue"
charted at Number 2 on Australia's AMRAP National Radio Chart.
"Out Into The Blue" also found us again catching up on National radio with Kevin Walsh
on Good Morning Country to nearly 1 million listeners!
Amongst a rollicking lesson schedule we saw our Melbourne student Angus Kitt performing with iconic
Aussie band The Bushwackers in the ACT - and we had a chance to catch up with our amazing
2018 WRS Winner Breeze Millard to find out about the big music plans she was putting into action in Adelaide.
Our annual road trip to see our SOTA kids took us to Leigh Creek where we not only provided more
Face-to-Face Piano lessons but taught 2 bumper Bucket Drumming Workshops to ALL the
SOTA students - as well as all the Leigh Creek Area School kids who joined in!
The annual Whyalla Combined Schools Choir concert at Middleback Theatre saw Stormfront providing 2 Feature Acts
being Junior student Annelia and our impressive Samaritan Woodwind Ensemble each of whom nailed it on the big stage.
A huge THANK YOU to Samaritan Band Alumni Isabella for
joining us on-stage on Clarinet for this starry set of songs!
CHECK OUT our Whyalla Choir gig here!
Many Junior Stormfront students travelled to sing as part of the annual
Catholic Schools Music Festival at the Adelaide Festival Centre.
Stormfront students attending Sunrise Christian School starred in the School's
2024 School musical "Jonah's Druthers" at Middleback Theatre.
Continuing on our Album PR trail we caught up across SA & Broken Hill with ABC Regional Radio's
Julie Kimberley's Morning Show as AWMA Week kicked off in Brisbane.
Mark ended the month in ecstasy (as did many around Australia) as one of the
Even if you're not a Lions fan it's worth checking out their phenomenal 2024 Season and taking
a moment to appreciate the unbelievable hurdles they jumped to win....
Mark's ecstasy has continued into the New Year and shows no sign of relenting.
Our huge trienniel contribution to the Samaritan Spectacular at Middleback Theatre saw a truly
exceptional series of performances from our Junior & Senior Bands as well as brilliant Group & Solo
appearances by our Samaritan Swifties, Nyasha, Cadence and KT Stott.
CHECK OUT our 2024 Samaritan Spectacular here!
Further Student Development Sessions were run sponsored by Eyre Peninsula McDonalds -
what a brilliant outcome from this unique Commercial deal!
Long-term student Maddie again showed why she's such a star as she & her friend Paityn
raised thousands of dollars and cut their hair for Breast Cancer Research.
In horrific news our much-loved Koen family suffered the sudden loss of their dad,
having left us to live out their dreams in beautiful Tasmania only 2 years ago.
Our thoughts & care are with you, always.
October also saw Alison & Mark play a rare but fun gig as Ali's
Uncle John celebrated his 80th birthday at The Shed in Whyalla!
November 14th saw Stormfront stage the fourth annual Samaritan Shines at Samaritan College's St Johns campus
this year was an absolute best ever as our School Bands showed off the very best the College has on offer!
CHECK OUT our 2024 Samaritan Shines here!
A very hot & windy Saturday 16th brought our annual full sponsorship of Whyalla's McHappy Day entertainment
as our non-stop 2.5 hour student showcase rocked the carpark and a big crowd who stayed all day!
CHECK OUT 2024 McHappy Day here!
THANK YOU to the Whyalla Maccas crew and Whyalla News for your help & support!
As the month drew to a close we wrapped our 2024 Samaritan Band Programme with
a series of Presentation Meetings on-campus for our Junior & Senior School Band members.
"As usual" we were delighted to be able to have Samaritan Principal Mr Damien Judd
present Participation Certificates to all the kids who made 2024 SUCH a wonderful Band Year!
We also said "farewell" to our 7-years-running Woodwind Tutor Kym as she decided to take time
in 2025 to pursue her newly graduated career in the field of Social Work.
2025 will now see Stormfront providing ALL Samaritan Band Programme services in a newly
negotiated 3 year Contract solidifying our future as Coordinators of this amazing initiative.
29th November saw Alison & Mark make their annual donation of PA and talent to help stage
Whyalla's Asbestos Victims Association Memorial Day at Mt Laura Homestead.
AVA assists the families, and victims of Asbestos-related disease
with their on-going legal, healthcare and financial needs.
By the end of the month we had most of our 2025 student plans confirmed,
and our 2025 Enrolment Forms available for anyone wanting tuition in 2025!
December always seems to rush by as one year closes & another eagerly awaits -
and this year was no exception!
Saturday 7th December took us to Port Augusta for SOTA's final "Get Together & Piano Recital" at
West Augusta Football Club - and our SOTA year closed with all our Piano students
entertaining the crowd with their Solo pieces learned Online during the year!
It's SUCH an honour to work with the iconic SOTA - and our joy in being able to
(every now and again!) see these Outback kids play in-person is endless!
CHECK OUT our 2024 SOTA adventures here!
It's also great to have our 2025 SOTA year locked in and ready to fire!
Monday 9th December saw us at Samaritan College Prize Night at Middleback Theatre,
presenting a series of Awards, and staging the music components of the evening for the College.
Our on-stage Feature was long-term Stormfront (and Year 12) student Nyasha, with
the brilliant KT Stott providing an entire set of her inspiring Original music
in the Theatre's Foyer to welcome families and dignitaries to the night.
CHECK OUT 2024 Samaritan Prize Night here!
As Christmas and New Year rushed at us we were in-studio
working hard on 2 fully sponsored recording projects being
a debut Original song project with Nyasha - and beginning
yet another exciting Original song project with KT Stott.
In a rare opportunity we were able to catch up in-person for a "Studio Day" with our
Melbourne-based Online students Angus & Charlie who were travelling through SA with
their family, revisiting their seachange when based in Port Augusta a few years back!
Angus is making every post a winner in Australian Country Music right now -
and he's off to Tamworth in January 2025 to keep that star a' risin'!
We think 2024 was our best ever year with all our music initiatives working so well!
What Stormfront does, and how we do it is unique.
We constantly strive to do more, and get better -
and we think in 2024 we did that better than we ever have.
Already we have some plans for 2025 that could steer us in different directions,
and in-studio we're awaiting the mid-year start of a unique local arts
collaboration you're sure to hear more about by 2026!
2025 sees the inclusion of Music Lessons in the SA Government's expanded Sports Vouchers Scheme -
and Stormfront is awaiting final registration as an official Provider for this initiative.
Some students will be able to claim up to $200 per year back on their Music Tuition -
meaning some '25 students can access our services for the cheapest rates ever!
In 2025 we can only monitor & try to adapt to the rapidly growing
This New Year we're saying goodbye to 8 student families from 2024 as
they all lose employment and move on from our worried town.
We certainly hope to see everyone else again next year -
Here comes 2025.....!