Saturday 16th December saw our "Stormfront Students SING!"
team, along with members of the "Carols Community Choir"
complete their final performance commitment of the year -
and what fun it was at the Whyalla City Plaza Christmas Street Party!
This year's Street Party saw a successful move to daytime, and an
entertaining mix of groups songs, senior soloists, original music,
Rock Band 121 and of course a final reprise of our
"Carols Communty Choir" to bring some Christmas cheer!
Whyalla is extremely fortunate to host so many fine
community Christmas events - and in perfect weather like today
Stormfront is delighted to "give back" to every one it can!
Our 2017 STREET PARTY cast was....
Isabella * Keira * Maddelyn * Halle
Joshua * Imke * Janke * Amy
Romy * Chloe * Lauren
Ky * Logan * Drake * Shakira
Mark Tempany * Alison Hams
Liz Attard & Whyalla City Plaza Business Association
...and our fabulous students & families!